Knowledge _ Interview with Dadub
Brilliant. Nice to see where you guys are coming from.
So was it a challenge to fit together all the tracks that were produced during that time? Did you have a set idea of what you wanted to accomplish at the beginning or did the direction only become clear at the end when you had gathered all the music?
Daniele: We did not have a clear idea during the composition of the individual tracks. For sure we knew we were working on an album, but we just translated in sound what we were believing. When we put the tracks for the first time together on our timeline, we realised how cordant the work was, even though there may have been different techniques and approaches in the composition. Even if part of our inspiration is conceptual, we never build sounds to specific concepts. We love to create surprises, otherwise it gets frustrating in terms of creative flow.
Giovanni: Before making electronic music, we were both drummers. One of the most frustrating things for me when I started using a computer to make music was that I didn’t have the physical and instinctual approach to music anymore. It’s the body / mind connection that you have when you are playing drums, in the way that after a while you are not really thinking about what you are doing. If you start thinking about what you are doing, you fuck up totally hahaha
Everyone: hahaha
Giovanni: And so it took me some years to translate this instinct to music production; to be able to sit in front of a computer and click on a grid, trying to make a beat while clicking a grid as I was when I was playing drums. This approach translates on a more abstract level. When I make an electronic track, I try not to think about what I am doing. The sounds are suggesting the direction, process or structure of the track.
That’s a great point. I was a drummer as well and I never put the two things together before. Excellent comparison.
Giovanni: When I started making electronic music first, I was using Fruity Loops, sitting in front of the screen, feeling so frustrated as I had the beat in my mind perfectly and I didn’t know how the fuck to..
Daniele: Haha – I totally understand!
Hagbard Celine
Feb 24. 2013
Fantastic indepth interview with the guys. Loads of interesting comments and some very good technical tricks and tips. They have a great sound, and a hypnotic delivery of complex textures and rhythms that is communicated effectively in waves and layers of sonic information, direct in this piece, this interview should put most online publications to shame. Great stuff on a great act.
May 11. 2013
Hi Celine,
Only seeing your comment now. Thanks a lot for the kind words. They’re great fellas, arent they?
Ashley Borg
Feb 27. 2013
This is probably my fav ever written interview. Amazing levels of insight, I feel like I’m actually achieving a higher level of learning by reading alone. What’s really good is how their passion and personality come though, part of this must be attributed to the interviewer, who set an excellent tone, with his manner and questions.